
Showing posts from August 24, 2008

South Haven

I had a grand time at the beach today. Well, I had a great day all together. I can't upload pics cause my card reader died on me this morning. I had 2 but gave the second one away last weekend. I had the second one for over a year and never used it but don't ya know it would have come in handy today. Ah, oh well. I will find a new one soon. But I had fun. So much fun that I'm exhausted beyond belief and want to sleep but I'm waiting on the washer to be done washing so I can throw tomorrow's clothes in the dryer since I wasn't home to do all the laundry I forgot until I got home at 7pm. I went to the beach with Melissa, Jason, Ethan, and Cameron.....and of course, Noah. Well, we were there from 11am till about 3:30pm. I had a blast but now I am burnt on my shoulders and parts of my back. Noah got a bit too on his face and shoulders and back. I hope he doesn't hurt too bad tonight. Right now he's sleeping. I am not however. I have a headache th...