I've been Tagged

Hmmm. This is about a husband. Well, I'm not dating, nor am I married. SO I'm not sure how to do this other than to say what I'd like to see in a guy....lol. Or hate in one. We will see.

1. What is his name? Any name will do as long as it isn't Robert or a form of it. I've been hurt by way too many of them and I can't stand the name much.

2. Who eats more? Hopefully him although I tend to snack a lot

3. Who said, "I love you" first? I'm sure it will be him as far as that goes. I say that because I've been hurt and so I'm more hesitant to say it.

4. Who is taller? He will be. He has to be taller than 5'8"

5. Who is smarter? Well, I'd like us to be equal in smarts but honestly I hope I am. lol.

6. Who is more sensitive? Me. I don't necessarily need a guy who cries all the time. I need someone strong.

7. Who does the laundry? ME. I love laundry. I just had taking care of it.

8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Ha. It will be a while before anyone does that. Except Noah that is and he is on the right side....cause its closest to the wall.

9. Who pays the bills? I love the figures and numbers so It would be me unless he is better and not spending as much as me.

10. Who cooks more? Equal hopefully.

11. Who is more stubborn? Me. Definitely me.

12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? See the answer above? Stubborn people don't admit wrong! Even if they are wrong!

13. Who has more siblings? Not really something I care about...lol

14. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Well, I'd like us to be equal.

15. What do you like to do together? I need someone who likes to watch movies, go to parks, someone who loves kids, doesn't mind getting no sleep.

16. Who eats more sweets? I can eat a whole package of twizzlers in a day. Especially if I walk with Noah lol. IT doesnt matter if he does or not.

17. Guilty Pleasures? Mine used to be genealogy, but I don't have time for that. I hope to find a handy man. lol.

18. How did you meet? Some way that is memorable.

19. Who asked whom out first? Not really important

20. Who kissed who first? I'm hoping he does.

21. Who proposed? Hopefully him.

22. His best features and qualities? I need sensibility, humor, and somoene who can calm me down when I'm angry and not get mad at me.

23. Tag you’re it. Who do you tag? Melissa already did it.


Melissa said…
>.< I'm so dumb! lol

I don't know why I tagged you for this. I'm sorry!

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