South Haven

I had a grand time at the beach today. Well, I had a great day all together. I can't upload pics cause my card reader died on me this morning. I had 2 but gave the second one away last weekend. I had the second one for over a year and never used it but don't ya know it would have come in handy today. Ah, oh well. I will find a new one soon.

But I had fun. So much fun that I'm exhausted beyond belief and want to sleep but I'm waiting on the washer to be done washing so I can throw tomorrow's clothes in the dryer since I wasn't home to do all the laundry I forgot until I got home at 7pm.

I went to the beach with Melissa, Jason, Ethan, and Cameron.....and of course, Noah. Well, we were there from 11am till about 3:30pm. I had a blast but now I am burnt on my shoulders and parts of my back. Noah got a bit too on his face and shoulders and back. I hope he doesn't hurt too bad tonight. Right now he's sleeping.

I am not however. I have a headache that WON'T go away. Probably cause I didn't eat much all day. I was on my way home and my mom called about 2 minutes from arriving home and said to stop there and she had dinner done. That was a great surprise.

Right after dinner we got a knock on the door.

Knock, Knock.

I didn't live there so I told mom to answer it. She peeked aroudn the corner and saw it was a guy and told ME to answer it.

I opened the door.
Said Hello.

He said, "Do you remember me?"
I said, "Not Really".
I thought to myself, "he looks familiar, but I don't want to look stupid so I just said, no".
He said, "We went on a date before."
I said, "Ok. When was this?"
He said, "About 10 years ago."
I giggled.
I replied with how am I supposed to remember that long ago.
He said he remembered me.

I went on one date with him 10 years ago or so.
That was the whole relationship.
He picked me up, we went to Coldwater at one of their lakes or something.
WEnt on the boat.
He dropped me off.
And I never heard from him again.

Well, he told me the story and I gave him my number.

More to come later when I know more.


Unknown said…
lol... how are you supposed to remember a date from 10 years ago and where has he been the past 10 years?!?!

I'm glad you had a great time! We did, too. :) We'll definitely have to do it again.

Jason's talking about Saturday for the gate and we also want to go to the zoo, so I don't know which would be best, the zoo first and then the gate or the gate and then the zoo. Let me know!

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