8 Things

8 Things that I am Looking forward to:

1. Feeling better today. I just don't know what is wrong but feeling like I am pregnant with morning sickness all over again just doesn't make for a good birthday.
2. Going to South Haven with Melissa & the family (even if it is just a day trip but a weekend trip would be fabulous)
3. Warmer weather so I could open my windows.
4. Noah being done with nursing (he's on week 3 and 3 days were eliminated).
5. Meeting Bill! We've been talking for a while & we have so much in common.
6. Getting back into the routine of doing Wii Fit again daily!
7. Getting all my papers at my desk organized since they've been out of wack since I was in school last fall.
8. Getting closer to God.

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Worked!
2. Renewed my plates at SOS.
3. Went to lunch with my mother and grandfather.
4. Talked to Bill before he started golfing.
5. Went to get adjusted at Dr. Marks (Chriropractic office).
6. Cooked Dinner.
7. Played with Noah.
8. Felt sick at 8pm and went to bed at 8:30pm.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Hang out with Melissa more often.
2. Hang out with Stephanie more often.
3. Be able to work a few more hours at work (would help financially)
4. Manage my finances so much better.
5. Have the time to get my yard in order for summer.
6. Be married & totally in love.
7. Live in a bigger house.
8. Be a stay at home Mom.

8 Shows I Watch:

1. Ghost Whisperer
2. Dr. Phil
3. American Idol (on occasion)
4. None
5. Other
6. are
7. Watched
8. Regularly

8 People I'm Tagging:

Not gonna tag anyone cause Melissa tagged me and is the only one who would do this.


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