
So I did not think I would be as sore as I am. The trip to the zoo on Saturday with Melissa and her family has taken a tole on my poor legs and ankles. I also have some pain associated with the 1/2 mile STEEP hill we climbed.

However, I thought about it and it just goes to sh ow how OUT OF SHAPE I am. Now if I only had a support person to go with to exercise more.

Today I did a whole lotta nothing. Sleep and Laundry.

Mat came by today on his motorcycle. He really is a great guy and I haven't even attempted to make any moves on him at all. I let him kiss me on the cheek and hug me. NOthing more. It isn't that I don't want to, but I don't want to rush anything.

I remember when Noah was born and I said that I wouldn't let anyone meet Noah until I knew that it was serious. Well, Noah was there each time I've seen him. The first time I didn't know he would even come there.

It is nice to feel woo'ed. He is sweet and taking Noah and I out for Ice Cream tomorrow.

=) Thank Goodness for Good Guys.


Unknown said…
How cool! :) I'm glad you have someone who is appreciative enough and attentive enough to want to spend time with you.

(Just as a side note and nothing at all to do with this post... your confirmation characters were blowing my mind a minute ago! yomvuryv... try to type that three times fast!)

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