Ugh. Busy-ness too much

Well last weekend I spent TOO much time relaxing and enjoying my weekend and time with Mat and his boys. I ended up forgetting that I had 2... YES TWO... papers due. I have only finished one and was going to work on it tonight but I have been doing so much between work, school, house chores, being a mom, etc. that I said "I am taking this last hour or so of the day for ME."

That is why I haven't been around. I've been able to get on, read Melissa's blog, check email, and then school work.

I have an upcoming surgery on the 23rd. I am not nervous at all and hoping to go back to work in about 2-3 da ys. Doc says a week but I say sooner. lol. It's a bit embarrassing (no Melissa, not that surgery again) and similar to what I've had in the past (yes, its involving the same area though). I might talk about it in person or on the phone though if you want to know you can call me.

I've been getting emails from my cousin, Jeanna. She tries to be nice, then we both get stubborn. Or I try to email her and be nice and then we both get stubborn. It is a vicious cycle. But when I am asked questions like "Do you regret what you did?" I get upset because I was not the only one....

This whole new guy thing (dating) is pretty awesome. I am not being any one but me. Before I would try to be nicer and let 'him' get away with more. But this morning Mat calls me... he says to me "I have something I want to tell you. Something that bothered me." Not knowing what he was going to say I felt nervous. He told me.. what we were at my sisters (in the van, not in the house) I called you my "OLD LADY". Then you HIT me. Of course I was like. Uh. Yeah. He said why did I hit him? I told him I did not like that and I do 'hit' or 'slap' when a boyfriend embarasses me or says something I don't like. I then told him, "If you don't like it, either say good bye now or get used to it because I won't change who I am for ANYONE any more. He didn't say much. I expect he was not happy and I haven't called him all day. I figure I'd rather find out sooner than later if I like a guy....or could love him. Why waste my time if I don't like him or he doesn't like me???

So I guess I could be single again before I've really been dating someone too long.

Any input Melissa?


Unknown said…
I think you're OK to be up front with him and tell him that that's a part of your personality, but be careful about how you word it because it could chase him off, too. ;)

I hope you're not too busy for too long. Jason said that Bob is going to put your thing together this coming week. Things have started slowing down for them, so he can get them to do the work for him. hehehe
Millisa said…
I've been up front with him and I know he can see how tired I am by 9:30pm on the week days. I can barely keep my eyes open.

I have time on the weekends for friends..... =) I just don't want to over whelm myself with rushing into romance.

Call me this week.

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