Red Alert

I'm not taking care of myself since I've had Noah. Not as well as I should. I do better for him but not myself. I need to start taking better care.

I also realized that my recent surgery has a side effect. I am unable to go to the all. I don't know what or why -- but the past 2 surgeries has been the same way. so NO MORE SURGERIES for me. I can't stand it.

I also have neglected myself and NOT rested even when doc wanted me to. I wasn't supposed to go back to work but I am already sinking financially (and possibly will lose my house) so I did what I HAD to do. I hope that in the end I don't lose my house.

So I need support and don't know where to get it from. I want to eliminate Mountain Dew. I want to drink more water. I want to avoid fast food. I want to cook IN more. I want to do better for me cause if I do bad then I might not be here for Noah and that SCARES ME!!!


Unknown said…
Pain meds can do the damage. They're binding and stuff.
Millisa said…
They sure are.
The surgery was successful though.
As of about 10 days ago.
No blood in the stool.
Still semi-painful though.

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